ARD502 Foundation in Compositing

Compositing: the final stage of visual effects, after all individual elements have been created through different processes (principal photography is shot, secondary elements are shot/acquired, CGI is rendered in a 3D program, matte paintings are painted). Compositing is the process of bringing everything together into a final sequence.

Produce a short sequence (10 – 20 seconds) involving multiple elements, either photographed or digitally ‘manufactured’ and composite them into a final plate. You will need to think carefully and plan the final scene you are trying to create. Begin with acquiring the principle photography that your elements will be composited into.

The final ‘plate’ could be anything from a science fiction future where the world has been ravaged to a warm, inviting scene in the American mid-west.

The finished result may require elements including, (but not limited to), sky replacement, extension/addiction of architecture, secondary elements and also appropriate masking of objects to fit seamlessly into the scene. Careful attention must be taken into understanding the tone, colour, edges and direction of light, of additional elements. The final seen may need ‘grading’ to create the final ‘look’ to match the desired result.

You are required to work together as a team and must all be sure of a common vision for the finished sequence. As a team, you may want to reference existing feature work and try to emulate a scene but you must be aiming to create a photo-realistic believable result.

Assessment will be based on the completion of a composited sequence that displays:

  • Good planning and vision of the final result before it has been achieved.
  • A good understanding of image acquirement both for principle and secondary elements.
  • An empathy with the scene in an attempt to create realism.
  • Demonstration of the software and production stages.
  • A solid understanding of the importance of compositing.

This assignment will form part of a portfolio of work which will be formatively assessed at the end of the assignment and summatively assessed at the end of the module.