ARD502 Percussive Rhythm

A message in its most, general meaning is an object of communication. It is a vessel which provides information. Yet, it can also be this information. Therefore, its meaning is dependent upon the context in which it is used; the term may apply to both information and its form.

Percussive Rhythm – Capture live action images that contain distinct sounds, (excluding musical instruments) and form a ‘visual’ soundtrack. Base your imagery on a theme and use a multi-screen approach. Use at least 40 images. Try to keep rhythm in both visuals and audio.

Consider this assignment as having a commercial message. Your subject matter should be used in a way that conveys a message to a particular audience with considered objectives. (What are you saying, who are you saying it to?) Consider various interfaces it will be interpreted through. The duration should be approximately two minutes.

Examples for this assignment could include the sounds of a kitchen, the sounds of a car, a bathroom or a bar. At edit, the temptation is to edit the picture, but the priority must be placed on editing the sound and only include the visual element which is directly linked to the sound.


Assessment will be based on the completion of a sequence that:

  • Communicates a message in a creative way.
  • Considers the relationship between what is being communicated and target audience/viewer.
  • Explores narrative or non-narrative processes in cultural media.

This assignment will form part of a portfolio of work which will be formatively assessed at the end of the assignment and summatively assessed at the end of the module.